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You only using 10% of your mind! (Studies says)


You only using 10% of your mind! (Studies says)

Did you know that doctors now firmly believe that 75% of all sickness and disease start in the mind?
75-Percent! That's a very large amount. That means that 75% of all the people who are sick today -- are only sick because they did not know how to use their mind. Doctors will even tell you that the majority sickness and disease are caused by stress.

This is another event that starts within the mind.
Scientists have long said that we only use 10% of our mind. 10-percent -- that's it.

Think of going through life only spending 10-percent of your salary?
Could you do it?
Yet you go through life only using 10% of your mind.
That 10-percent is creating 75% of all sickness because we do not even skills to use it properly.

Now imagine if you just used 10% of our mind correctly?
What would happen?

What would happen if we learned to use 90% of our mind correctly?

The results would be astounding!

Your mind is a fantastic power -- but nobody ever taught you ways to use this power. Throughout your entire life you have been taught the way to do everything but nobody ever taught you ways to use your mind. Use of your mind to its full potential -- and that is enough to create the change you want.
Let us pay a little attention towards the mind and brain on which we have great hopes for success. If we look closely, we will discover that our conscious mind and brain make us do various types of petty activities.

Our mind makes us do many types of stupid works throughout the day. All our needless information, which we memorize, later makes us do such foolish acts.
If we observe our life, then we will find that we pick up a lot of fights after carefully thinking or as our mind makes us to do so. We can definitely say that our mind incites us to select up tons of fights and makes us spend the remainder of our life with bitter memories.
This is Mind. Neither can we pick up a fight with the mind nor can we suppress it. We can only co-operate with the mind. The mankind is facing the consequences of opposing or ignoring the mind.
In a sense, our minds can hold us captive.

The mind is restless and goes wherever the eye is. Control your attention, and you control your mind".
Freedom from the compulsion to think is real freedom. Your mind thinks from the moment you wake up in the morning until you fall asleep. It gives you no moment of rest. It creates thoughts and also receives thoughts like a radio. This habit is so strong that no-one thinks of adjusting this example
In this state you are not free. You may sleep in a free country; you'll have economic independence, yet the mind keeps shackling you with thoughts, mental images and concepts .

Only by silencing the hectic mind you become able to enjoy true peace and freedom. The mind is made of thoughts, so it does what it knows well, which is thinking. It provides a constant mental movie. It is as if we are riveted in front of a screen, where we watch movies all the time. The movies are so real that we never question their validity.

If you could have been able to watch people’s inner mind, you would have seen a very interesting spectacle. You would have seen each person living in a kind of closed, imaginary world, watching his thoughts.

You would have seen thoughts created by different minds float through the air, and are picked by others, who believe they are their own thoughts. They cherish these floating thoughts and talk, act and behave as if these thoughts are a part of them. So where is freedom?

You may sleep in a free country, yet in your inner life you'll not be free. Real freedom means to be above thoughts and the mental world.

It means becoming the master of your mind.
It is having the ability to think and accept into your mind only the thoughts of your choice, and when there's no got to think, you only stop thinking.

Only when you are free from the compulsion of thinking you become free. You switch off the engine of your car when you arrive to your destination, because there is no necessity for it to keep on running. Why not do the same with the mind?

Imagine a state when mind is calm with not a ripple of a thought. In this state you become conscious of your inner self and know who you are. You feel your inner power. Happiness, which is inherent in all folks , emerges when the walls of thoughts are removed. In this state there is no compulsion to think.

With the help of concentration, meditation, detachment, calmness, and the ability to filter and sift thoughts, without getting involved and swept by them, it is possible to reach and live in real and true freedom. 

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