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Use meditation to lose weight


Use meditation to lose weight 

As we all agree, the brain is the one in charge for most of our actions. Even though, not always the decisions our brains take are the smartest ones, fortunately we can educate them, according to our own desires and aspirations. One very important thing we can use our brains for is meditation, meaning to think profoundly at something in order to get it solved or to understand it. 

If your issue has to do with loosing weight, be sure you can solve it by using this method. Keeping a diet is something everybody feels he knows how to do, but nevertheless, the advice not always works for everybody. That is why specialists strongly suggest you should find your own ways to lose weight efficiently and without major discontent. 

This does not mean you cannot pay attention or get inspired by other people’s experiences, but do not forget that, in what concerns your own person, you’re the one who knows better. How do you start your own meditation plan? First of all, gather as much information regarding the manner in which other people solved the problem, including the information you disagree with – you can place that one on the not to do list. Where can you find the information? As soon as you start digging you’ll realize it’s everywhere: TV, magazines, internet, friend’s advice etc. Next step, once you got all the material you need, is to take the time to analyze it, meditating as well, on how you can adapt it, in order to best fit your needs. Remember to be responsible when keeping a diet, as otherwise, your own health might be in danger, so never exaggerate! 

Here are some tricks that always work, if you adapt them a little bit to your personality: 

Whenever you do something tough, for which you need determination, think about how to make it fun: cook weird foods, for example; try eating things you never tried before or do whatever makes you feel that keeping a diet is enjoyable. Let your brain help you a little bit and you’ll see how easy and fun things can turn out! 

•Set a goal. It is important to know what you are fighting for, but, however, do no exaggerate. Meditate thoroughly on what the goal means to you, what changes it could bring to your life and if you set your goal too high or to low. 

•Don’t forget that help is something we all need. Think which sort of help could serve you best: a doctor’s advice, a counseling group, a specialized magazine, talking to your friends, listening to your own intuition etc. Do not be afraid to make the choice you consider the best, because, remember, nobody knows you better than yourself. 

•Remember to enjoy yourself. No matter how difficult something seems to be, always try to determine a way to find pleasant and enjoyable things about it! In order to enjoy yourself, you have to perform actions that make you have a good opinion about your own person. For example, reading a book, taking care of a pet or of a sick person, sharing with others your efforts, followed by the deserved accomplishments, etc. 

are all things that feed your inner spirit and make you feel good about yourself. Once you got the answers to the questions you gathered in the first place, you can build the list with the things to do and the ones always to avoid. Remember that this list should be a mirror of yourself, the result of your own meditation, so never distrust it and be sure you’ll see the results! 


 This diet will help you lose up to 37 Pounds in 28 days : https://www.lossuweight.com/2013/12/lose-37-pound-in-28-days.html

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